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Showing posts from May, 2020

Improving Family Communication During Lockdown

Quick Read By Josh First of all, Happy Mental Health Awareness Week. For many this is the hardest Mental Health Awareness Week they've ever faced. Social isolation, loneliness, anxiety, depression - these are some of the challenges that people are facing. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels For a lot of us, we've gone home to our families and this means that you have the opportunity to be closer than ever with your support network.  So how can you make the most of this situation? Family is a massively important part of our lives and that's why communication is so important.  Remove Distractions  Before you try and engage in conversation, get rid of any and all distractions. Modern times are dictated by notifications, messages and updates. Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels Get these out of the way, turn the TV off and actually have a conversation with those closest to you.  Pay Attention Only 10% of our communication is verbal