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Showing posts from May, 2021

A Guide To Mindfulness, And Being In The Moment

Hey everyone, it’s Matt here again. I’m going to give you some more tips on mindfulness. Getting through the day, being “in the moment”.  The reason there’s so much talk about this famous “moment”, is simply because: the past doesn’t exist. You can’t change it. The future hasn’t happened yet, but what we do now can influence it. Photo by Daniel Torobekov from Pexels   The best way to influence the future in a positive manner is by being in control right now. Breathing calmly. Smiling.  As we covered last time, we can’t control the mood we wake up in. But we can do things to improve it. What time do you get up in the morning? Are you an early starter or a late riser? There’s no right answer to this. You do what suits you.  We are told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and whilst there is an element of truth to this – we all know someone who skips breakfast and gets by alright, don’t we? In reality, our morning routine is a very important part of the day.

The Stridi Guide To Positive Thinking

Hey everyone, welcome back to Stridi Towers. It’s Matt here. Our last piece focused on keeping busy if you’re bored, or at a loose end. Filling time can be very hard, and so the idea behind some of those activities was simply to fill a few seconds of your time. Sometimes a few seconds can change your mood significantly. Today I’ll be talking a bit more about changing your mindset. There are loads of things you can do. Altering your thought process is probably quite a scary thought, but here’s the good news: you don’t have to do it all at once. Nobody is expecting you to have an entirely new thought process within the next 5 minutes.  Photo by Kelvin Valerio from Pexels It’s simply a case of taking it day by day. Maybe trying one new activity a day or reframing an event to see it in a positive light. Ultimately, it’s all about creating choices for yourself. Different ways to live your life. Whether it’s the basic stuff, like what to have for breakfast, or other things, like