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Showing posts from April, 2021

Tips To Make The Most Of Social Media

  Hey everyone, welcome back to Stridi Towers! It's Matt here. This week I thought we’d talk a bit about social media. We can all agree it’s a little addictive, has some positives and also a few negatives. Of course, I’m not going to tell you to stop using it, I just thought that we could provide you with a few tips and advice to make the internet a more enjoyable place to visit. Photo by Tracy Le Blanc from Pexels My first point would be that it might be good to consider your approach to social media, particularly with things like your friends list. Whether you’re someone who likes a big list of contacts, to keep in touch with everyone you’ve ever met, or whether your someone who only has less than 20 people (I’ve met people in both categories, and I promise the latter does exist!). Both are fine. It’s entirely about what suits you and your overall enjoyment of the olde t’interwebs. My own personal approach, particularly with a huge place like Facebook, is that I’ll o