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Postgraduate Courses, Everything You Need to Know: Part Two

Hi everyone, it’s Matt again :)

It's time for your second installment of our series on postgraduate courses. I gave you the detailed and (hopefully) interesting intro last time, so let’s jump straight in….

I sat down (metaphorically speaking, in the current climate) with Paul, who went to Plymouth Uni, to discuss his MSc including all my standard questions: Value for money, positives and negatives, mental health and whether or not he would recommend postgraduate study.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

“When I studied for my MSc I was given a scholarship, but I wouldn’t have done it otherwise as I do not believe it would have been value for money. At the time, there was no postgraduate loan available, so I wouldn’t have been willing to pay for it myself.”

Were there any longer-term benefits to Paul’s career?

“At this moment in time, it has not benefitted my career in any way, maybe in the longer term but definitely not right now. I have found that you need work experience within your field. I didn’t have that and I’ve been rejected by quite a few jobs due to either lack of experience or being overqualified”

But it’s not all bad, says Paul:

“My MSc was a great way to make new friends. As well as new ways of learning and using your own initiative. Being able to work on your own, with not much help, gives you a sense of achievement when passing assignments.”

“Although there were long hours, a lot of researching which takes up hours of your day, it does take a toll on your sleep – you’re watching a screen for hours and so my brain was still ticking over when I went to bed”

Photo by Tim Gouw from Pexels

Paul finished by stating that he wouldn’t recommend postgraduate study – unless you can get a scholarship. He went on to say that “there’s no point getting into more debt for something that isn’t unique, degrees don’t mean a lot these days”

So quite a mixed bag from Paul, it’s fair to say! 

On to my next interviewee: Kate, a now self-employed MA graduate.

So..... I think the main points I would make was that I had gone into the MA as way to kind of network a bit and explore opportunities for new career paths, what with it being a business orientated course and all that, but I felt that side of it was a massive let down at Bath Spa”

Kate continued:

“The course went so quickly too and the workload was quite heavy really so it was difficult to really get to know many people that well or pursue and extra curricula activities (I don't just mean going out and stuff either!)”

What about mental health support?

“In terms of mental health support, the only time I needed that was towards the end when I was struggling to finish my Dissertation and the uni was fairly helpful and understanding”


Photo by Burst from Pexels

I asked how the course has affected her career in the longer term, and Kate mentions her new business:

“I guess on a positive note I did end up pursuing a new self-employed career which I enjoy and am mildly successful at, but I don't know that I can directly attribute that to the course.”

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

And finally, any recommendations?

“If I had any advice it would be that if you're going to do an MA then maybe a more career specific one, useful if you're looking to progress in a particular area. I did enjoy it though and I think I learnt some useful IT skills because being around younger people brought me up to speed a bit more and I did love the being back at uni and studying again. In fact I wish I could have stayed longer! When I did my undergrad I was a single parent and I didn't go to a traditional uni setting plus I think the other pressures I had limited my experience so going back was really nice.”

Thanks for your time, Kate and Paul! That’s it for part 2, hopefully you’ve gained a bit more insight now and you’ve got a better grasp of what the postgraduate world is all about. We’ll be back soon for part three, so see you back here soon!

Ciao for now.

M x

Follow Matt: @Matt_jl_24


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